Selasa, 17 Juni 2014

Berbagai Singkatan Lucu TPID di Media Sosial

Citizen6, Jakarta  presidential candidate debate broadcast live on national television has always posed some hubbub in the timeline. Both supporters of each candidate Prabowo and Jokowi comment on the weaknesses of the opponent.
Today, Monday, June 16, 2014, the timeline is still crowded with hashtag # hashtag or TPID. This hashtag emerged as the second presidential debate conducted at the Gran Melia Jakarta yesterday, presidential candidate of the serial number, do not know the extension Prabowo TPID (Monitoring Team and Regional Inflation Control) asked the presidential candidates numbered 2, Joko Widodo.
Ignorance Prabowo was used as ammunition by the tweeple Jokowi supporters to "attack". So in the timeline also appear abbreviations TPID cornered play Prabowo.
Some supporters of the tweeple cheep include: - @ Fadjroel: # TPID TanpaPrabowoIndonesiaDamai
Prabowo supporters of the camp is equally emotional face cheep-cheep cornered presidential candidate.
- @ DJ_Bourned: # TPID Without Prabowo Indonesia Sale
- @ addeLeandro: Tjapres Liar That Djokowi # TPID While some are responding with a joke and make stands TPID be funny and entertaining. Among them: - @ MasWaris: We TPID yuks? | Stands for what it is? | Cook not know? | I do not know by heart | Beautiful Mind Swap Discussion | oh. That's not my authority. # TPID - @ azirmaop: Turns Prabowo was Duda? : D - @ azhariaiy: # TPID Without Courtship wanted to be loved: p - @ Badutromantis: Determine the Indonesian Democratic Choice. # # Gowe22 TPID - @ herlieysasra: Turns Feeling It From you # TPID Earlier, in the first presidential debate, which became a "victim" in the timeline is the moderator Zainal Arifin Mochtar prohibiting visitors applause applause ruled before him . I wonder who will be the "victim" in the next presidential debate? Candidates Debate organized by the General Elections Commission (KPU) will be carried out for 6 times. The next presidential debate will be conducted on June 22 and June 29.




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(Karmin Winarta) - See more at:
By: Karmin Winarta

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